product packaging

All companies, whether manufacturers or retail sellers, realize the critical importance of product packaging. High-quality packaging provides better protection for the products inside and simply sells more retail products. Product packaging is something that business owners put a lot of thought into, while consumers sometimes take it for granted.

We expect our products to be packaged well and free of defects like scratches, dents, or other damage. We, as consumers, also do not give it much thought when we gravitate toward the product package that catches our eye that looks exactly like what we are looking for. Whether it is flashy, modern looking, clean, informative, protective, or just appealing messaging and use of colors, product packaging clearly sways purchasing decisions and is one of the most important choices companies make in promoting their goods.

Packaging Serves More Than One Purpose

The importance of choosing the right product packaging cannot be overstated, as packaging today serves more than one purpose. There are different types of packaging, such as:

Primary – packaging that is in direct contact with products, such as the actual bottles or cans that beverages are stored in.

Secondary – distinctly different from primary packaging in that secondary packaging is a protective layer such as the outer box that all the beverage cans are stored in. Secondary packaging typically includes eye-catching designs, company logos, and information to attract and inform consumers.

Tertiary – this type of packaging includes pallets and stretch wrapping film used for packaging and shipping or relocating large fulfillment orders.

For the purpose of product protection and consumer appeal, we are mostly focused on secondary packaging. Secondary packaging serves two purposes to protect the products inside and provide the brand recognition necessary to help move the products off the shelves.

Quality secondary packaging is crucial for product sales and prevents product contamination or damage, which increases customer loyalty. Building up that customer loyalty with aesthetically pleasing, eye-catching, colorful, and informative packaging, such as product labels on food and beverage items, is all attributed to quality secondary packaging.

Quality Secondary Packaging Sells More Products

Consumer Appeal

Product packaging is often what gives consumers a first introduction to the product inside. With the right packaging design, companies can differentiate their products from the competition and provide a good first impression to secure lasting brand loyalty. Quality secondary packaging is a multifaceted process that requires careful consideration for companies selling products in all industries.

Informative Packaging

Quality product packaging promotes the products on display and provides information to consumers about the products inside. Secondary packaging may contain information like assembly instructions, what is included in the box, and what may be required, such as batteries for toys. Quality secondary packaging helps consumers to make informed decisions and promotes customer satisfaction.

Brand Recognition

Brand recognition should be clear on secondary packaging, as most retailers group similar products together on shelves making it important to differentiate your product from the competition. Interesting, eye-catching secondary packaging helps to build brand recognition and sway purchasing decisions to your products over comparable items.

Secondary Packaging and Product Protection

Secondary packaging must exceed expectations for eye-catching, appealing designs while also providing maximum product protection. Quality packaging that protects products increases customer satisfaction and reduces product returns due to damage. Be sure to use quality packaging materials and follow best practices when packaging goods. Working with an experienced packaging company can help companies to achieve both product protection and brand recognition with quality-packed items.

Peoria Production Solutions, PPS, offers quality contract packaging services with more than 80 years of experience. We are knowledgeable about the many types of quality packaging materials and follow best practices according to strict quality policies. Contact us to learn how to improve your secondary packaging operations with an experienced packaging company on your team.

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